Wednesday, July 09, 2008

G8-filling bellies and draining stomachs

Saw a report today in the newspaper that the G-8 summit which was convened in Japan to discuss on the problems of food scarcity and poverty all over the world was noted more for its sumptuous feasts than for any strategic decisions. There were 19 dishes in an 8 course lunch to fill the big bellies of the world leaders. This report was disgusting to say the least. They should've atleast understood the seriousness of the situation. Some kind of model behaviour was expected from these guys. They should've refrained from eating heavily as a show of compassion for the poor souls who don't get to eat good food even once in a week.

Now we know where this summit will head to. Obviously, it will head to the direction in which these guy's pot bellies are pointing. Hungry will remain hungry. Small bellies will become pot bellies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hypocrisy in action man. Enough to lose faith in the decisions made at the summit.